Developing Web-Based Systems for Sharing Experiences and Accelerating Management Decisions

With the goal of sharing experiences and helping wetlands' decision makers  and managers, as well as supporting the implementation of integrated management plans,CIWP has designed and implemented two different systems, including the online monitoring system for wetlands and the system for assessment of Iranian Ramsar Sites. The online monitoring system for the country’s wetlands has been created for helping with the execution of monitoring protocols of the integrated management plans. This online system has so far been installed and implemented for Choghakhor, Kani Barazan, Soldouz, and Norouzlou wetlands. In other words, the data for these wetlands are accessible from the database provided by this system. Moreover, the system for assessment of Iranian Ramsar Sites utilizes socioeconomic and ecological indicators to provide the necessary context for shared assessment of wetlands, allowing the evaluation of the vulnerability trend of the wetlands.