This management plan is intended to provide a long-term shared vision
and approach for achieving the sustainable management of the wetland and
its valuable ecosystem services. Specifically, it aims to support the
engagement of local people towards a wise use of the wetland;s
resources, to encourage inter-sectoral cooperation to achieve agreed
objectives, and to raise awareness of the important of the Helleh
This integrated management plan has been developed mainly based on
outcomes of four workshop session held in Bushehr city and Helleh
protected area during Feb 2015 involving representatives of the key
stakeholder groups for the wetland. Additional inputs from local people
communities have been provided through participatory rural appraisal
session. The plan has been submitted for final consultation by all the
stakeholders and enhanced through their constructive comments. It is
intended that this participatory approach will ensure a more active
involvement of all stakeholders in the wetland management. This version
of the management program will be submitted to the higher level
provinicial and national authorities for formal approval.
The idea of this plan with necessary need of department of environment
to Change the attitudes on management of wetland habitats and with the
aim of expanding ecosystem management in wetlands ecosystems.
“If decision-makers and local communities are aware of wetland values
and benefits of protected areas and be involved in wetland management
ecosystem process will support the sustainable management of this
precious habitats.”
Helleh wetland is one of the most important wetland of the country
which in the phase of expansion and generalization of achievements
Helleh wetland Protection Plan, management planning begins. This
program, in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency,(
Office of habitat and areas conservation and Iran wetlands protection
plan), Department of Environmental Protection of Bushehr Province and in
partnership with stakeholders has been developed.