Freshwater Lake of Zarivar
(Zirêwar,Zirêbar) is located 130 kilometers to the north-west of
Sanandaj which is the center of Kurdestan Province, and also 3kilometers
to West of Marivan. This is one of the unique lakes worldwide and also
one of the most important sites for overwintering and breeding places
for migratory birds. Zarivars Drainage Basin has an area of 15827
hectares with the eastern latitude from 46 04 51 to 46 15 30 and the
northern longitude from 35 28 23 to 35 36 30. It contains 2 sideway
urban drainage basins with the area of 5000 hectares. Marivan’s area is
10827 hectares. The maximum height of the basin is 2120 meters and the
minimum one which is located at the lake’s outlet is 1283 meters above
the sea level. The average slope of the basin is 18.2% and the focal
point of surface water runoffs is 11 score in hydrological scale in
Zarivar Basin. The main part and the bowl of the wetland are extracted
about 4.5 kilometers in length and the width