Search Most Viewed group Wetlands News Press News Most Viewed World Wetlands Day 2020 was held in Municipality of District 20 of Tehran Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project participated in the World Wetlands Day Conference hosted by the Municipality of district 20 of Tehran on Febr... 3/20/2020 World Wetlands Day 2018 Following World Wetland day celebration on February 2nd 2018 in Ramsar city (Ramsar convention adoption origin) wetland champions and selected wetland... 8/11/2018 Gandoman Wetland Stakeholders’ Agreement to Develop Integrated Management Plan Gandoman Wetland Stakeholders’ Agreement to Develop Integrated Management Plan All stakeholders of Gandoman wetland declared their readiness to devel... 10/15/2018 Japanese Ambassador visits Lake Urmia Basin During a two-day visit to East Azerbaijan Province, the Ambassador of Japan, accompanied by the Resident Representative of the United Nations Developm... 7/10/2021 Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project (CIWP) Helping to Hold the First National Conference on Biodiversity Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project (CIWP) Helping to Hold the First National Conference on Biodiversity 1/20/2020 The Second Management Planning Workshop for Gawatr Bay and Khur-e-Bahoo Wetlands The second management planning workshop for Gawatr Bay and Khur-e-Bahoo Wetlands was held on May 2018 in Chabahar. 8/11/2018 1 2 3 4 5 ...