The Comprehensive Tourism Plan for Kani Barazan International Wetland-First

The  Kanibarazan  Wetland  in  the  south  of  Lake  Urmia  and  north  of  Mahabad County has the high potential for ecotourism. Developing tourism in this wetland and  its  peripheral  areas, observing  its  environmental  regulations  as  a  wildlife refuge,  can  create  sustained  revenues  for  management  and  conservation  of wetland. Moreover, this Issue can associate local communities to the wetland more than the past. Certainly, the dependence of rural people and local communities on the  wetland  through  tourism  development,  at  first,  reduces  their  harvesting  of wetland production, destruction and threats, and secondly, increases the incentives for wetland conservation in a participatory manner indirectly.
This   report   is   the   first   part   of   the   study   and   the   preparation   of   the comprehensive  tourism  development  plan  for the  Kanibarazan  International Wetland, entitled "Basic Studies and Physical Spatial Planning". In this report, the strategic  plan  document  (mission,  goals  and  strategies),  and  the  physical-spatial plan  document  (functions  and  land  use areas)  will  be  prepared  by  analyzing  the status  of  the  project  in  the  national  and  regional  documents,  identifying  and analyzing the status of the land in different fields and Identify the client’s points of view and expectations.