Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project Terminal Evaluation Report (mid-term evaluation)

The Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project (CIWP) is a 7-year project being implemented
by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of the United Nations
Development Program and the Global Environment Facility. In mid-2009, an independent
Mid-Term Project Evaluation (MTE) was carried out, in accordance with UNDP and GEF
requirements. This is the report of the MTE prepared following a two-week mission by the
team of two consultants to the project offices and field sites in Iran. The report summarises
the evaluators‟ findings and comments on each aspect of the CIW Project: concept and
strategy; project design; arrangements for project supervision, management, financing,
monitoring and evaluation; and implementation progress and achievements over the first
„half‟ of the project. For each section where relevant, recommendations are made for
strengthening the second half and completing the project as effectively and efficiently as